Please fill in the kitten application form available on the site. This will enable us to target your expectations, refine your criteria and inform you of certain important points.


Registration on the waiting list is optional and does not constitute an obligation prior to the purchase of a kitten.

It gives priority to information on births and to the choice of kitten among those available.

Registration on the list costs €100.

The rules are simple:

  •    the registration fee is deductible from the purchase price.

  •    you will receive priority information on births and available kittens. You can make your choice before the general public. When the babies are born and in good shape, around their 15th day of life, I contact the families by email according to the choices requested and availability. I expect a reply within 48 hours, then I move on to the next family.

  •    if within two years no kitten meeting your criteria (expressed in the Kitten Application form) is offered to you, you can request a refund of the registration fee.

  •    if you have refused three offers of kittens meeting your criteria, your name will be removed from the waiting list and the registration fee will be permanently forfeited.


Definition of reservation :

The reservation consists of the payment of a deposit of 600€ (part of the price of the designated kitten) in order to guarantee that the kitten is reserved for you and will not be sold to anyone else.

It is formalised by a contract that indicates the total price, the date on which the kitten will be available (specifying when you will be able to collect it and a maximum date by which you must have collected it). The reservation implies that you undertake to pay the amount remaining to cover the total price of the kitten no later than the day on which you take possession of it.

The steps involved in reserving a kitten :

* Before birth:

It is not possible to reserve a kitten that is still ‘in-utero’ and even less so if it has not yet been conceived! The reason is quite simple - you can never be sure of the result of a mating, nor that the birth and/or the neonatal period will go off without a hitch. You can, however, join the waiting list to be notified of priority births and be able to choose your kitten from among the first.

* Kitten ready to be reserved:

Once the kitten is born and has passed the neonatal period (approximately 10 days), the reservation can take place. I will then tell you the total price of the kitten and the amount of the deposit to be paid within 48 hours. At the same time, I will send you the definitive reservation contract on which will be noted the date of availability (a time interval) and the method of taking possession established by mutual agreement. This contract must be signed, scanned as a pdf file and returned within 48 hours. If the deposit and the signed contract do not arrive at the breeder's within 48 hours, the contract is considered null and void and the kitten becomes available again for reservation.

The kitten must be paid in full at the latest on the day of its departure from the cattery if payment is made in cash, and at the latest one week before its departure if payment is made by bank transfer or cheque. A sale contract signed by the buyer and the breeder will be drawn up on the day of departure.

Reminder of the law of 12 May 1980 n° 80335: The animal remains the property of the seller until full payment has been received.

* Kitten old enough to leave:

If you are available to come very quickly, the sale will take place on site and the sale contract will be drawn up.

If you are unable to come and collect your kitten straight away, we will agree a date and proceed by reservation as in the above situation.


Definition of deposit

A deposit is part of the sum you pay in advance for the purchase of goods or services. You or the professional can withdraw from your commitment, i.e. you are not obliged to go through with the sale.

Deposits do not oblige you to buy. However, they are lost if you cancel your purchase.

A professional who fails to supply the goods or services must reimburse you double the deposit paid.

Why pay a deposit

A reservation without a deposit would be worthless. The decision to reserve or purchase a kitten must be a responsible and carefully considered act. In our telephone discussions or in person, I am at your disposal without counting the time to answer all your questions before you make your decision. I often anticipate certain questions to make sure you have all the information you need. In the same way, there are also two steps prior to booking, as you must fill in the Kitten Request form and process the Certificate of Commitment and Knowledge. By the time you reach the reservation stage, you already have all the information you need to make a responsible decision.


The amount of the deposit is €800 (which will of course be deducted from the total sale price of the kitten when the sale is concluded).

You should be aware of the legal implications of this:

  • You undertake to buy the designated kitten; if you change your mind, this sum will be lost to you.

  • I undertake not to sell the said kitten to anyone other than you, failing which I shall be obliged to reimburse you the sum paid and to pay you the same sum by way of compensation.

  • I therefore undertake to sell the kitten to you unless an event beyond my control such as the death, accident or illness of the kitten cancels the booking contract, in which case I will reimburse you the amount of the booking.


Kittens may not leave their mother until they have been fully weaned (clean, socialised and fed solid food). And vaccinated (primo + recall = 2 injections: 1st at 8 weeks + 2nd at 12 weeks). For this reason, we do not authorise their departure until they are at least 12 weeks old. The day of departure can be postponed if I judge that a kitten is not fit to leave the house.

On the day of the kitten's sale, you will be given the following documents:

  • The contract of sale (2 copies will be signed on the day in the presence of the 2 parties, who will each keep a copy)

  • The vaccination record

  • Veterinary certificate of good health

  • An advice sheet listing the cat's needs

  • The pedigree if it has been published by the Loof by this date, if not, it will be noted on the deed of sale that your kitten is registered with the LOOF and that I will send you its pedigree as soon as I receive it. (It takes a long time to receive a pedigree from the LOOF). If the kitten is registered in the WCF international studbook, the pedigree will be provided.

  • I will take care very quickly after the sale to make transfer the card of owner-owner in your name and I-cad will send you the card in your name or the means of accessing it computerized in the days which follow. Please note that I-cad accepts only one holder, even if the purchase is made by 2 people. The name on the card will be the same as the name on the bill of sale.


These are defined by the law of 22/06/1989 of the decree of 28/06/1990 where the following diseases and time limits are specified (starting from the date of delivery):

  • feline infectious leukopenia: 5 days

  • feline infectious peritonitis: 21 days

  • feline leukogenic virus infection: 15 days


Unless otherwise agreed, the kitten is to be collected from the cattery.

In the event that the buyer is unable to come to the cattery, the breeder (or a trusted person) will accompany the kitten to the buyer's home or to the nearest train station/airport by mutual agreement and subject to travel costs agreed beforehand.

For the well-being of the kitten and the security of the transaction, no proposal for delivery by carrier will be accepted.


After the sale, can you change your mind and bring the kitten back?

No. As stated above, the decision to buy a pet is a decision that needs to be thought through carefully, and I'm here to answer any questions you may have beforehand! There are several written documents prior to the sale so that you can find out more and there is a legal period of 7 days linked to the Certificate of Commitment and Knowledge to allow you to think things over before making any commitment. What's more, as the sale is forbidden to minors, by deduction the buyer is of legal age and responsible for his or her actions.

If you were to change your mind, once the kitten is in your possession, I would not take it back as this would mean putting it in quarantine for at least 1 month, with veterinary tests for transmissible infectious and parasitic diseases. This period of isolation would be highly detrimental to the young cat's mental and physical development. This may seem an exaggeration, but it is only on this condition that I can offer you healthy kittens. If cats not subject to this health restriction were to come and go, all the efforts made to maintain a healthy health status in the Cattery would be reduced to nothing, so this is a risk I cannot take!

This is why, as the Syndicat national des Professionnels du chien et du chat reminds us, the right of withdrawal does not apply:

» The seller informs the consumer that the animal is not subject to the right of withdrawal (Points 5 and 6 of article 221-28 of the French Consumer Code) for reasons of hygiene and health protection, because after delivering it, the owner will have modified its behaviour and health ».

However, if after having purchased the kitten, you are the victim of a situation beyond your control that prevents you from keeping the kitten in good conditions, I invite you (without this implying any obligation on my part) to contact me so that together we can find a solution to ensure that the young cat suffers as little as possible from this situation.


  • Breeder will provide the following health guarantee: Breeder warrants that this cat/kitten is presented in good health and sound temperament.

Breeder is not responsible for any veterinary expenses at any time after the cat leaves the Breeder's possession.

Purchaser is required to take the cat (at purchaser’s expense) to a licensed veterinarian for a complete exam within 3 days or this guarantee is null and void. If the veterinarian finds the cat to be 'unfit for sale' due to a serious medical condition at this time (this does not include common treatable conditions such as, but not limited to parasitic infections, injuries incurred during shipping or while in the Buyer’s care, Coccidiosis or Giardia), the Buyer must provide the Veterinary Report officially translated into french to the Breeder. Options in such a case are:

A) Breeder will replace the cat with the next available like prospect or mutually agreeable animal, provided the live cat and registration papers are returned within 3 days; or

B) Breeder will refund 100% of the purchase price provided the live cat and registration papers are returned within 3 days (at the Purchaser's expense and individually transported).

  • The cat is guaranteed to be free of hereditary crippling/disabling defects by 12 months of age. This guarantee covers exclusively issues which are proven to be purely genetic on this individual cat. Costs of the written veterinary opinions and lab testing as well as costs of official translation are to be assumed by Purchaser, sent to Breeder, and must be corroborated by the Breeder's vet. Options in such a case are:

A) Breeder will replace the cat with the next available like prospect or mutually agreeable animal, provided the live cat and registration papers are returned to Breeder (at the Purchaser's expense) as soon as possible (no more than two weeks) after discovery of said defect; or

B) Breeder will refund 100% of the purchase price provided the live cat and registration papers are returned as soon as possible (no more than two weeks) after discovery of said defect (at the Purchaser's expense and individually transported).

* The return of the live animal is at the buyer's expense and must be made to the breeder's address by a means of transport without the presence of other animals.

Should kitten/cat die due to a lab proven genetic defect and while this one (1) year health guarantee is in force, a necropsy is required at purchasers' expense, the results to be given to Breeder in writing from the veterinary professional that performed the necropsy and officially translated into french within fifteen (15) days of the necropsy including the laboratory results. Upon conditions above, Breeder guarantees to refund 100% of the purchase price or replace the kitten/cat with one of same color, gender and equal worth from the next available litter of kittens or at any such later time purchasers are ready.


Nemausus British Cattery is a family-run cattery and we raise our kittens in our own home. In order to limit the risk of spreading pathogens within our home, we do not organise physical visits to our cattery. This is to preserve the good health of our adult cats and your future kittens. An epidemic can happen too quickly and we are responsible for babies that are not ours.

In this context, meetings by videoconference can be organised.